Driving South

NOTE: This Blog was written a day or two before it was posted in case there are any misunderstandings in my timing. Internet connections are scarce in my current neck of the woods..

I’ve been waiting to to write this blog for awhile now! As most of my blogs start out, I’m laying in the back of my Jeep over looking a large body of water. This time, I’m down in Bahia Concepcion, Baja California Sur, Mexico. It’s upwards of 100 degrees out and I’d say somewhere close to 90% humidity. Sounds bad, but the water is in the 80’s and completely turquoise so it’s just awesome! I’ve began to try to write a little bit more formally but sometimes my surfer lingo is really the best way for me to explain some of my situations. I suppose I could say, “the bay possesses a certain beauty that you only seem to find in hotel brochures or paintings at your grandmothers house” but, “totally awesome” really does a much better job at describing my current view and situation a majority of the time. But I digress… It’s gorgeous out, I’ve got the entire beach to myself, I’m not being charged to stay anywhere, the water is warm, I’m not hungry and I’d be lying if I said I was wearing clothes. It really doesn’t get much better than this. If it does, please prove me otherwise!  

Let the record stand that this photo has not been edited in anyway. It’s just how great it is where I am.

  Currently, I’m making my way down to La Paz. Last night, I stayed the night in Bahia de Los Angeles and in Costa Brava, the Vicente Guerrero area, the night before that. L.A. Bay was beautiful but I wasn’t too impressed with what it had to offer. I assume there are better times of the year to go as well as better places than where I camped at as well but I knew there were better destinations a little south so I cut my time there short and drove down to Bahia Concepcion. I did, however, go kayaking and saw a crazy amount of krill and a feeding frenzy between the birds and the fish! So much so that I could put my hand in the water and grab a fistful of krill! And last but certainly not least, I saw a whale shark from my kayak! Swimming with a whale shark has always been on my bucket list but the closer I got to it in my kayak the more it swam away. So it was short lived but exciting nonetheless.  

I’m planning on staying here in Bahia Concepcion an extra day because it’s too great and I don’t care to feel rushed during road trips. I love the phrase, “I’ve got nothing but time,” and I prefer to live in a way that reflects my beliefs. From here, I plan on making my way down to either Punta Cancun or Punta Canejo. I’ve never been to either of the two places so I figured I’d stop by both before making my last leg to La Paz. 

Unfortunately, I can’t make 2 or more weeks out of this trip because I have people to meet and obligations that I’ve already committed to which means I need to be in La Paz about 3 weeks ago!!! But I plan on arriving in La Paz either Sunday or Monday. How many days is that from today, I honestly do not know and while it would only take a quick second to figure out, I enjoy not knowing what day it is. But arriving in La Paz a bit sooner than I would like is really no reason to complain. I’ve got a plethora of people waiting to meet me and an equal amount of opportunities to begin exploring! 

I’ll have more to write as each day goes by… Assuming these damn Mosquitos don’t eat me first! If any of you reading this has any insect repellent and a boat/plane/helicopter, I’d really appreciate a care package/airdrop because it’s proving to be impossible to escape these bastards!

More later!

Why am I still here?

So I’m in the United States. I’m suppose to be on my way down the 1 highway through Baja but I’m laying in the back of my packed Jeep, kayak and all, at the beach waiting for a doctors signature so I can be on my way with this trip that I’ve been talking about for the past 6 months.  As you may imagine, it’s frustrating to be stuck here but not so much for the reason that I’m actually stuck here. I’m frustrated because I’ve told everyone that I’m leaving on a certain date for months now and here I am pushing the date back for the 2nd time. When I say I’m going to do something and spread the word to everyone, I make sure that it happens. Telling the world that I’m moving to Mexico has left me with a lot of doubters and people saying I’ll be back in a week. If anything, that’s only been motivation to get me to leave sooner!

So why am I still here?! Well the reason is good, though ridiculous. If you’ve read my last couple of blogs, you know I was involved in a very serious motorcycle accident. This accident left me pretty crippled for good deal of time. Well as a result of being disabled, my license was taken away for fear that I would be a dangerous driver and unable to safely respond in traffic. Since being pulled over in Mexico is pretty much part of the culture, there’s no way I would leave the country without some kind of Driver License. Now I know what you’re thinking right now. “Well if the accident happened 7 months ago, why didn’t you just take care of the issue months ago?” Excellent question!  It’s because they just recently decided to suspend my license, 7 months after the accident!  It all happened while I was at the DMV being a good citizen and registering my newly purchased Jeep. It was February at the time and I was still in my wheelchair. While talking to clerk at the DMV, I was asked why I was in a wheelchair. While I was surprised that I was being asked this question because I figured it was seen as a rude question to ask in the world, I went ahead and explained what had happened to me. Months later, when I was certainly no longer disabled I receive a letter that I my license was suspended. After inquiring about why this was, I was informed that the gentleman at the DMV had reported me but a tad bit late and caused this whole fiasco.  Now I agree that your driving abilities should probably be questioned if you’re in a bad accident. However, I think the doctor is someone a bit more qualified and capable of making an educated decision on how disabled one might be. My doctors had more than one chance to say no more driving when I was actually too disabled to operate a car but it wasn’t seen as a big enough issue. I now need to get a doctor notes for the DMV and must wait a few weeks for them to process everything so I can get a new license. Getting through to my doctor is turning out to be a bit more difficult that expected so I’m expecting to be here in the States for another 3 weeks at least.

In the meantime, I’ve been invited to race on a team in the San Diego Beer Can races on a Thomas 35′. For a while now, my interest has been migrating towards racing sailboats over cruising on them. I’ve mainly just been wanting to experience sailing on the next level and hone in my skills a bit more so I can become a better sailor altogether. I’ve also been sailing on Hobie Cats a few times a week and those babies have given me the need for speed on the water! The beer can races are a summer race series that takes place every Wednesday evening in the San Diego Bay at 6pm with all different classes of boats. Last night was my first time racing in one of the Beer Can races. I’m an experienced sailor and I’m not afraid to head out in any seas, but when it comes to racing I feel like a complete amateur… Which technically, I am when it comes to racing sailboats. Aboard a race boat, is the most hostile environment I’ve ever been in. People are yelling the seconds to start, yelling at other boats, yelling about possible collisions with approaching boats, moving fast, tripping on lines, hiking over the side… Did I mention yelling? Sailing has always been a very relaxing passion of mine, even in bad weather. 80% of the time, I have time to analyze what needs to be done and execute in a timely manner. Racing, on the other hand, is constant and fast! You’re constantly adjusting the sails, you’re debating on which line to sail on, you’re avoiding bad winds from other boats, and always debating on if it’s a good idea to tack now or tack later. All of this is happening simultaneously and it turns a very familiar activity into an almost foreign one for me. But I love it! It’s almost like learning how to sail all over again! With all that being said, I did really good out there.IMG_0549

My position on the boat was trimmer. I’ve always been pretty anal when it came to trimming sails so I think it’s a good spot for me on the boat. No complaints about my performance and as a team we all did really well. We actually placed 5th out of the 16 boats in our class. Regardless it was fun and the team wants me back to race again next week so I have no complaints. Another cool thing was that the actual designer of the Thomas 35′ was on the boat and skippered the race. At 86 years old he was still living out his passion of being on the water and racing. And what better person to have sailing the boat than the actual designer himself! For photos of the race, click here.

So I’ve got a little bit more time to take care of any leftover business/goof off for a bit so I’m taking advantage of the extra time and making sure there’s nothing else that can keep me from leaving again! However, after looking at the weather, I’ve noticed Hurricane Andrew having some fun around Baja and it’s looking like it’s going to be delivering a little bit of weather to the Peninsula. We’ll see how strong it picks up and if it’s going to be another road block. But for now, most of my days involve waiting in some kind of doctors office or urgent care trying to make some kind of progress and see a doctor. It’s been proving to be one of the hardest tasks I’ve ever taken on. So much so I’m almost ready to get in another accident so I can see a doctor immediately! But I suppose some extra time sailing in the states won’t hurt me too much either. If you or anyone you know is a doctor with a Medical License and care to help me out with your signature, PLEASE contact me at your soonest convenience! MY email is scseanhall@gmail.com! I’ll make it worth your while! In the meantime, I’ll keep you posted on my trip status and my racing results!

Fair winds,

Capt’n Sean.